My wife and I went out for a little walk yesterday and a spring walk for a photographer holds all kinds of delights. The challenge is to find new and interesting ways to present them. I decided that I wanted to play with large open areas of sky in my compositions To make the flowers a counterpoint to the large blocks of blue colour. In this image I liked the contrast between the blue block of colour on the left and the dark branches on the right that still hold just the budding promise of the coming spring. The flowers hold the middle ground in this image. In Lightroom I increased the structure and the contrast then I took the image into Photoshop and used Content Aware Spot Healing Brush to remove three power lines. Then I took the image into Viveza and darkened the blue sky on the left.
-Russell Berg
A canopy of cherry blossoms against a blue sky. Fuji XE-2 XF 14mm 2.8 at f/6.4 1/400 ISO 400